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Guadeloupe (page 2)

Hotel Pergola
If the blandness and price tag of the big resorts in Gosier are not your cup of tea, you might be tempted to stay at the Hotel Pergola, a run-down villa right above the beach... Unless you bring your own lightbulbs, toilet paper, pillow, soap and towel don't even consider it.

Read the rest of: "BYOTP (and towel; and pillow) to the Hotel Pergola
La Soufriere
La Soufrière is an extinct volcano. This doesn't mean extinct like the dinosaurs, it just means that the volcano is not exploding *at the moment*.

Read the rest of: "Postcard from Guadeloupe: La Soufrière
A Manicured Jungle
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 15/Nov/2004
Jardin Botanique
The Botanical Garden in Deshaies (Basse-Terre) is the most manicured jungle ever. And yet to my surprise, I found some of its inhabitants to be almost uncannily ferocious.

Read the rest of: "A Manicured Jungle
Plâge des Raisins Clairs
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 10/Nov/2004
Plâge des Raisins Clairs
Plâge des Raisins Clairs (Sea-grape beach) is one of the best beaches I discovered in Guadeloupe and definitely my favorite.

Read the rest of: "Plâge des Raisins Clairs
Grand cul-de-sac marin
According to my guidebook, le Grand Cul-de-Sac marin, encompassing a large lagoon, is a nature reserve created to protect various species of birds, turtles, and mangroves and is thus off-limits to tourist activity. However,...

Read the rest of: "Le Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin (Basse-Terre)
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