Home » Guadeloupe


The Hot Springs at Sofaia
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 29/Aug/2006
When we asked around in Sainte-Rose, someone told us about the springs at Sofaia, a half-hour drive outside the city. So away we went, along a steep road that got progressively narrower, and eventually wasn't even paved...

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Jacques Cousteau Reserve
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 14/Aug/2006
Jacques Cousteau Underwater Reserve Moments that should be documented photographically throughout one's life: birth, kindergarten graduation, prom, marriage, first ride in a glass-bottomed boat. Of all the days to forget the frickin' camera....I did. So, this time you're just going to have to rely on distant views and verbal images of the Jacques Cousteau nature preserve, off Guadeloupe's western coast.

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Les Chutes du Carbet
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 08/Aug/2006
Chutes du Carbet The second waterfall at Carbet is the most accessible, a fact made obvious by the tour buses parked by the side of the road. The waterfall is visible even from the parking lot, if you're just there for a photo oportunity. Otherwise, there are a few kilometers of well-maintained boardwalk through the forest, down a valley and up the other side. 

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Postcard From The Cloud
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 19/Jul/2006
Forest Cloud I've always wondered what it would be like to walk around inside a cloud. I thought it would be fluffier, and somehow softer. More like a cartoon, really. I didn't think it would be so...damp. Anyhoo, if you want to find out for yourself, the best way is to go to a cloud forest, not stick your head out an airplane window...

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Marie Galante
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 08/Jun/2006
Sunset in Marie Galante If the pace of Guadeloupe becomes too frantic for you then it is time to visit Marie Galante, a smaller offshore-offshore island where you will find even quieter beaches and towns, reminiscent of Guadeloupe as it might have been fifty years ago...

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Fort Fleur d'Épée
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 14/Feb/2006
Fort Fleur Overlooking Gosier, Point-a-Pitre, and the marina of Bas-du-Fort, with Marie Galante, les Saintes, and Basse-Terre visible in the distance, the Fort Fleur d'Épée has not only great views but was also a strategically placed vantage point.

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Parc Roches Gravées Trying to find some trace of pre-European civilization we stumbled upon the Parc archeologiques des Roches Gravées (Archeological Park of carved stones).

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Point des Chateaux
Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 28/Nov/2005
Point des Chateaux
Pointe des Chateaux is the easternmost tip of Guadeloupe, where the placid Caribbean meets the antagonistic Atlantic ocean and the two engage in a dramatic conversation. Or is it an argument? It's hard to tell.

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