Home » Guadeloupe » Les Chutes du Carbet

Les Chutes du Carbet

Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 08/Aug/2006
The second waterfall at Carbet is the most accessible, a fact made obvious by the tour buses parked by the side of the road. The waterfall is visible even from the parking lot, if you're just there for a photo oportunity. Otherwise, there are a few kilometers of well-maintained boardwalk through the forest, down a valley and up the other side. 

At the end of the easy walk, there is a rugged path leading to the swimming hole at the bottom of the waterfall.  The  water is  35 degrees C, so it's a nice warm bath most of the time.

Chutes du Carbet: Trails Unfortunately, when we were there a storm had just torn up the path leaving a steep muddy slope and making the swimming area out of reach. Plus, the heavy  rainfall had made the river swell to a torrent and had lowered the temperature, so swimming didn't even look like fun any more. However, with all the extra water  surging through the rocks, the poweful waterfall was even more impressive.

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