Home » Guadeloupe » Point des Chateaux

Point des Chateaux

Posted by Ree in Guadeloupe on 28/Nov/2005
Point des Chateaux
Point des Chateaux Pointe des Chateaux is the easternmost tip of Guadeloupe, where the placid Caribbean meets the antagonistic Atlantic ocean and the two engage in a dramatic conversation. Or is it an argument? It's hard to tell...

The dueling waters have carved through the rock in several spots, creating a series of peaks that look as though they might erode and disappear in the near future. Im not really sure what the cross commemorates but even so it is certainly striking against the sky.

Rumor has it that the best time to go is at the crack of dawn, for the spectacular sunrise, but if youre like me this is not your ideal time of day, especially on vacation. Still, its best to go early(ish), as it's one of the most visited sites on the island and you will have to contend with hoards of French tourists later on in the day. You can either stay on the beach and take in the view and enjoy the spray from the crashing waves, or walk through the scrub and cacti along a trail to the point. From there you can look back along the Atlantic coast marked by a line of coves and sandy points, or straight out to sea where on a clear day you can glimpse the cigar-shaped island of la Desirade.

Point des Chateaux There are usually people selling coconut ice by the beach. Its flavored with cinnamon and nutmeg and something else and is just the thing after a walk to the point.

Alternatively, if you are brave (or stupid), and can ignore both the undertow and the signs restricting swimming, this is a place where surfers gather.

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